Sunday, December 25, 2005

Holiday Weekend

Yesterday I took the bike out for an 18 mile (hour +) ride. It was a beautiful day, although slightly windy. I left the Polo Club through the west gate, and headed out to the aero club and Palm Beach Point Going into the wind, I was able to maintain 16-17mph on average, when I was protected from the wind, or had a tail wind I was able to cruise at 20-23mph. It was really quite fun. I think my average speed was 17mph and my average cadance was 90. I felt like it was a good ride, for my 3rd time out. I think that buying a new bike seat was probably the best investment I've made on that bike. Wow! What a difference.
After I got off the bike, I laced up my running shoes and went for a mile and a half incredibly painful run. It only took about 5 minutes for me to stop thinking about how painful it was, and about 10 minutes to finally feel like I was hitting my stride.
Today I elected to go for a run. I thought I might go for a long run since I had the time, but I wound up with a mid-day headache, and legs that felt like lead (or bricks as the case may be - from yesterday...) I made myself go anyway, thinking that getting the endorphans moving might have additional benefits. I hoped they would improve my outlook on life and help get rid of the headache. I ran a slow 4.5 miles (or thereabouts) in 45 minutes. I allowed myself 1 min. walk breaks every 10 min. I could tell that my legs were fatigued from yesterday, and it's significantly windier today than yesterday, so that slowed me down too. (I was glad I biked yesterday for that reason). Mentally/emotionally I feel a little better from my run, and my headache is nearly gone.
So a funny Henry story - After my run today, I took Henry out to play ball in the parking lot while I stretched. It's pretty warm/humid out so it didn't take long for him to get hot. Behind my building is a fenced in pool and hottub. He's never been in the pool area before. But all of a sudden he takes off, and makes a beeline directly for the pool. The supports for the fence are far enough apart that he can get through - so he wiggles through the fence and gets in the pool!! I don't have my pool key, so I'm left to scold him from outside the fence until he decides he's had enough and comes back out. Much to the ammusement of the kids in the hot tub! It was really quite funny. If I didn't know better I'd think that he was part Labradore! I guess better the pool than the canals!
Until Next Time... Merry Christmas

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