Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Wonderful Run

This afternoon I was sitting on my couch with my feet up after work feeling groggy and cranky. I was "off my game" and not feeling up to par. I knew that I had a run on my aganda for the day, but I wasn't feeling up for it. After much self talk, I decided to lace up the running shoes and head out, because I probably wouldn't feel any worse by doing it, and I just might make myself feel better...
And feel better I did. It was an AWESOME run. The sun was just starting to set and I was able to watch the sky turn from lavender, to pink to a bright orange. The temps had dropped to somewhere in the high 50s and the humidity felt like it was gone. I headed out without any clue on how far or how fast... I ended up cruising through 8 miles without hardly noticing it. I was plugged into my MP3 and simply ran for the joy of running. And you know what, after I was done, I felt great. It felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulders. (Now mind you, I'm not sure why I was carrying the weight of the world to begin with... but anyway..) I'm so glad I made myself get out there. Heck, I even treated myself to some Moosetracks Ice cream at the local Ice cream parlor tonight, too!
Last night I took the bike out for an easy 30 min spin around the polo club. I'm just trying to keep the frequency of biking up there, before I start adding on too many miles. I'm not training for anything just yet, so now is the time to enjoy it without the pressure of trying to get the miles in.
Well, tonight's my last night in the south for a couple days. Time to go to MI to celebrate "Belated Christmas" and I'll be back to running in the cold and slop again for a couple days... Just long enough to remind me why I winter in Florida...
Until Next Time.

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