Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year

After a couple of days back in the dreary, snowy north country, I'm back in Florida. I got a couple easy 3 and 4 mile runs in. Barely enough to run off some of the large quantities of food I ate!
I had planned a workout last night after spending 12 hours travelling. But I felt too gross, and even though I knew it might make me feel better, this time I just couldn't get up the motivation to get out there.
Today I hopefully made up for yesterday's lack of motivation. I got out on the bike for 1:20, and 21 miles. It was a good ride. Not too windy, warm and humid - 81. I averaged 16.6 mph and felt fairly good about it, since I was trying to "take it easy."
Afterwards, I immediately laced up my running shoes and went out for a painful 1.5 mile loop. I hope that one of these days running off the bike isn't quite so painful! I still managed to put in an 8:40 mile, but it was tough.
I'm excited to start up my 2006 training plan!
Until Next time.

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