Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Toughening Up

Today was the first of many 12 hour days at work. And even though it was a long day, it wasn't as intense as some will be. After spending 12 hours on my feet, I still had a run on the schedule. I haven't put together a weekly schedule yet, so how much I would run was up to how I felt. My legs were tired, but once I got going I didn't feel as poorly as I thought I might. So I opted for a solid hour run. I left the GPS at home, so I'm not sure about my pace, other than plain slow. So I logged somewhere around 6 miles. It was a good night to work on still getting a workout in after a long day at work on my feet. It's time to get tough.
Yesterday I went out on the bike. The wind was really blowing out of the west, but that didn't stop me. I'm working on riding in the wind, so come race day it doesn't blow my confidence. I did 2 loops around the Polo Club and it worked out to be 13.7 miles. Since half was into the wind and half was with a very fun tail wind - I averaged 16.7 mph. Returning on the loop I was able to maintain 23+ mph. That was fun, learning how to handle the curves and ride fast.
Until next time.

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