Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Another Tuesday

Tonight I finally headed back to the pool. I've done a lot of running the past few days so it was time to cross train. I'm enjoying swimming more this year than last, but it's not nearly as much fun going to the pool as it was heading to the lake to meet our group. The water however, is much warmer than it would be at the lake though, so I won't complain too much! I managed a 1300 yard swim - just shy of a mile. I'm working on bilateral breathing, and I'm finally getting to the point where I can breathe to the right without feeling like I'm sinking.
Sunday I headed over to the Lakes to meet our 7:20 running group. I met a friend of mine early, so we could do a little extra and get in an even 8 miles. I found myself running a min or two behind, and had to sprint to catch up to him right off the bat. Nothing like getting your heart rate up right away! It was a dark, and dreary morning, but it ended up being a great morning for a run. Good conversation and comraderie made for a good start to the day.
I had Monday off, and had possibly planned a bike ride, but it was very chilly, so I opted for a short run instead. About 3 miles, easy with Henry.
I figured I ran about 20 miles between friday and monday, not bad given I don't have a big race on the horizon yet.

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