Sunday, November 13, 2005

Weekend of Slacking

It's already Sunday night, and besides packing, well I haven't gotten much done.
I attempted to run on Saturday - here was my conundrum - get up early and run before having to be at work by 8:30am, get off work at 4:30 pm. Or get up early and be at work by 7:30 finish work at 3:30, run for an hour and be done by 4:30. I opted for going to work early, since at least then I was being held accountable by my boss for getting out of bed - those of you who know me, I am not one to get up early for a solo workout (I can meet anyone for a run at 5am, but to do so alone, ha! Not going to happen). But anyway, I went to work, and planned to come home, change and immediately go for a run - well, that was going great until a thunderstorm moved in about 3pm... I put on my "rain" jacket, and trail shoes and headed out the door. Within 8 min, the sky opened up and it started to "slush" (hail, but not) and the wind was blowing it horizontally into my face. If it hadn't started to thunder and lightening, I may have continued... but since I was the tallest point on the top of a hill, I decided to high tail it home. Quite literally, within 2 minutes, I was soaked to the skin. So apparently my "rain" jacket, is more of a wind barrier! Live and Learn, right?! My total run was 15 min. Hardly worth the effort. But it kept me inspired to do some situps and pushups and yoga stuff to almost call it a "workout". Then it was off for dinner and a night in downtown Minneapolis. From the Piano Bar to the English Pub to the Diner with AWESOME desserts, a good time was had by all. So I think next week, I'll be paying for my drinking and extravagence through twice a day workouts. Time to stop slacking. The holiday season is knocking at the door, so I best keep up the workouts so I can eat as I please. As my friend Anne Marie says, "Let the eating begin!"
Well, I best get on with more packing, so I can start to see some progress as I pack up the house. Until next time...

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