Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Workouts

Monday's are typically a good training day for me. We start the day with a coached swim workout at the local pool, then my day allows for a second workout, too.
To get 3 workouts in all 3 sports done in one week, twice a day workouts become a regular habit. It's definitely not always easy to figure out when you're going to get the 2nd workout in between work, and life, but it is important.
Today we hit the pool for our coached swim this morning. Getting out of bed at 5:40 am is definitely the hardest part of the workout! Especially to head out into the cold after being all cozy in your bed. We swam 2300 yards today, and it felt fairly good. I finally was able to do all of the cycle 4 intervals on the 30 seconds, so that was a break through for me. Breaking up the workout into various intervals and sets helps the distance go by faster. It's all a mental game!
After the swim I try to get in a bike workout as well. It seems to working if I simply do them back to back. Otherwise if I wait until later in the day, the likelihood that I skip a workout is much greater!!
I came home and had a bite to eat, and then hit the bike trainer. I was hoping to get in an hour workout, but my legs were tired. Especially after yesterday's run and today's swim. But I found the 'Ellen Degeneres" show to be highly entertaining this morning, and survived an hour spin on the bike. She plays upbeat music, and there's not too many commercial breaks, so that helps the time pass as well. I don't watch any daytime television, so it's kind of refreshing when I do. I couldn't watch those shows regularly, because I do find them somewhat annoying.
Well, that's all I have to report for today. Tomorrow will be a run and strength workout, so I'll keep ya' posted.

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