Monday, September 26, 2005


Sunday morning I woke up tired and cranky, and as a result didn't have much motivation for my workout. It didn't help that the weather was rainy and dreary, so heading out on the bike wasn't sounding too much like fun.
Sunday I had to work, and by the afternoon, I wasn't feeling very good at all. My cough and cold are still hanging on, so I settled for some stretching - still sore from friday's run (go figure...) and a few sit ups and push ups.
Sunday night I manged to get a good solid 9 hours of sleep and woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world (well, sort of).
Today was beautiful, sunny, low 60's probably. I took the bike out for an easy 30 min ride working on keeping my cadence up. I avg. 16.3 mph and an avg cadence of 92. Afterwards, a group of us met for an end of season open water swim. The water is getting rather chilly, but once you're in and start swimming it's not so bad. We didn't swim for long, but it was fun, and it's good to get back in the water.
This week I plan on heading back to the pool. :( It'll be good to work on drills and getting more effeceint in the water this fall and winter. I compare open water swimming to trail running, and pool swimming to running on the treadmill - open water is much more fun!

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