Monday, October 10, 2005

Fall Goals

These are a few of the goals I came up with on tonight's run.

1. Stay consistant, healthy, and injury free.
a. Consistant training including no more than 1 complete rest day per week.
b. Cycling twice a week, at a minimum of 1 hour per workout.
c. Swimming twice a week, at a minimum distance of 1 mile per workout.
d. 1 easy brick (bike to run) workout per week.

2. Maintain a 10 mile long run base.

3. Execute each week's training plan (no excuses for missed morning workouts!)

4. Monitor eating habits, and make better choices.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

Alright Kate,
One things for sure, you are determined to set goals high!! Maybe just one set of goals at a time, unless of course the goals you wrote were life long goals, which means you have a lot of years to work on them!! Stay determined and I look forward to your shipment of running gear/shoes so that we can run in November. Or better yet, wear everything on the plane!! They can't lose you!!!