Thursday, October 13, 2005


Tonight I elected to head back to my running group. They've started doing workouts inside again since the days are getting shorter. It's not nearly as much fun doing circuits on an inside track as it is outside, but it's still a good workout. We don't end up running as much milage, but the running we do is a higher intensity and complemented with running stairs and strength training. Overall, it can be a tough workout.
Having not been in a few weeks, I felt a little out of shape when it came to the number of sit-ups and push-ups I was comfortable doing. Then we did this "lunge" type exercize called 'spiders' that doesn't hurt while you are doing them, but definitely come back to bite the next day -- having a half marathon this weekend, I only did a few of those, and I don't think I'll regret cutting it short! We also did the wall sit - ouch.. Haven't done that in awhile either. It was a good workout, and I'm glad I went. I think if I can make it once a week, it will be a nice complement to what else I'm doing.

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