Thursday, November 24, 2005

Frozen Snowbird Part 2

So if yesterday wasn't cold enough and snowy enough - today certainly is! I woke to temps around 10 degrees, and the wind howling around the windows and doors. The wind chill made it feel like -5. bRRR!
I waited until noon before heading out for a run in case the wind died down some or the temps came up. yeah, neither happened, so I put on all my layers and headed out. This time to the north into the wind. It was SOOO cold. I lasted 17 minutes before the wind and cold got to me. I turned for home, and with the wind at my back, it was nearly blowing me over. The gravel roads were icy and slippery, so combined with the force of the wind, my run was a little treacherous.
35 min. was all I could stand today. I had hopes of getting in an hour and a half run or more, but with the weather, I figure I'll make up for it another day. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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