Sunday, November 20, 2005

Week at a glance

Looks like I've been a bit deliquent this week in my entries. Sorry about that - time flys when you're having fun!
After tuesday night, I went to GF on wednesday. I got there a little early and ran probably 2 miles on the indoor track - I'm glad I don't have to do that very often - Booo-rrrr-iinnng! Then it was the usual 2 hour or so workout, and off to the Spur for reloading.
Thursday night I made it to the pool. I had good intentions of getting there early, but ended up only having a half hour to swim. Which ended up being just fine, given I felt like I was swimming like a water buffalo. Not Very Well!. The 800 yards I managed to get through were torturous. So much for my great swim on tuesday night. I thought there might be some carry over from that, but I guess not.
Friday I took as a rest day. My cough from last month was wanting to come back, and I was stuffed up most of the day. I had planned to run, since I knew Saturday there wouldn't be time. But in an effort to beat this cough before it becomes something like the last one, I opted for 2 rest days back to back.
Saturday I worked, and then flew to Michigan to visit my family. It was an uneventful flight, so that is always good!!
Today is sunday, and I managed a 5 mile run this afternoon. It felt great. As soon as I started to run, my mood lifted, and I felt like I could run forever. I don't know if it was the familiar roads, the kick start of the endorphens flowing, or the music on my Mp3, but it was good stuff. I don't call them "Therapy Runs" for nothing!
As a side note - the trip home hasn't been as good for Henry - the flight was no big deal for him (he's racked up as many frequent flyer miles as I do) but he managed to get himself into a dog fight with my parents dogs today, and had to go to the vet :( "Poor Henry" has 2 sutured puncture wounds on either side of his neck with drain tubes. The good news is, the drain tubes come out friday, but the stiches stay in for a full 2 weeks. No running for "Poor Henry" for awhile now.
Well, that's the news for now... Until Next time...

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