Thursday, December 22, 2005


As I'm settling into a schedule in here, I need to sit down and write out a training plan for the winter. I have one in my head, but it always helps to put it on paper. So right now I feel like I'm training without any real goals yet. I don't know if I'm going to do a full marathon or only a half in April, so I'm not sure how much milage I should be adding to my running yet, and then I want to also increase my time on the bike, but if I do a full marathon, then I should be running more.... ahh, all these questions.
I've decided though, that I'll let myself train "how I feel" between now and the end of the year (so about another week). And in that time period I'll attempt to figure out my training plan for the next 4 months.
Tonight I did a GF-type workout. I started with a 1.5 mile loop that put me back at my doorstep. So I did some spiders and pushups. Went out for another 1.5 mile loop, this time pushing the pace (I could feel that! Wow! The longest 1.5 miles ever!) Then I did situps, planks, and a 2 min wall sit before heading out for my last 1.5 mile loop. This time I ran the loop easy (but nicely, it still was a 9 min pace - ish) then I finished up with some additional pushups and stretching. It was a good solid hour workout that got a little bit of everything in.
I hope to get out on my bike again tomorrow, and hopefully hit the pool for a longer swim workout.
Until then...

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